Chapter 4: Just an example redux

This chapter revisits the example we used in Chapter 1 but introduces several changes. Instead of the Particle Photon, we will use the Arduino MKR1000 that was introduced in Chapter 2. We use that device because we want a stable MQTT connection to IoT Hub with well supported libraries.

The MKR1000 will measure four data points: temperature, humidity, eCO2 and TVOCs (total volatile organic compounds). The device will connect with MQTT to IoT Hub and forward the measurements every couple of seconds, controllable by a device twin desired property.

With a simple Stream Analytics query, the raw data will be saved to a storage account and aggregated and sent to a real-time Power BI dashboard. In addition, we will forward the data points to another Event Hub that will be used in conjunction with the real-time service from Chapter 1.

Just like in the first example, several new technologies are introduced in practice, that we will discuss in more detail in later chapters.

Before we get started, let's look at what we will build in a diagram.

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